Dohyang Lee Gallery, Paris, France

Solo show
SAM ART PROJECTS, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France

Festival international de photographie et d’art visuel – Fata Morgana curated by Valentine Busquet
With Mustapha Azeroual, Mathieu Merlet-Briand, Badr el Hammami and Federica Landi
21.06 — 27.06.2018
Kerkennah, Tunisia

Collective exhibition and auctions
Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris, France

Collective exhibition
Emerige, Saint Denis, Paris, France

Collective exhibition
with Claire Adelfang, Annabelle Amoros, Elsa Brès, Marcel Dinahet, Emmanuel Lagarrigue, Natacha Nisic, Fern Silva, Oscar Santillana and Xavier Veilhan
Presentation of So very far away, maybe it’s only yesterday
31.05 — 17.06.2018
Château de Gordes, Gordes, France

Artists residency and solo show
Kamel Lazaar Foundation, Kerkennah, Tunisia

Artists residency and solo show
French Embassy in Kuwait, Kuwait City, Kuwait