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Variaciones del defecto (la A es la Q)

Variaciones del defecto
(la A es la Q)
Paula Castro
01 diciembre 2012 – 12 enero 2013
Cerrado exceptional 01.01.2013 – 05.01.2013
“El menor gesto tiene una historia”.
Fernand Deligny, Diario de un educador, 1966
Establecer un modo personal, no necesariamente intimista, de vincular la práctica artística con los procesos de concreción de las imágenes, donde...
Déplis, trames et grilles

déplis, trames et grilles
An exhibition of Marie-Jeanne HOFFNER
12th May – 13th July 2012
Double Game
Basing itself on actual spaces and territories and borrowing their systems of standardized representation such as maps, patterns and cartography, the often site-specific work of Marie-Jeanne Hoffner – including drawings, installations, videos, photographs, models, etc. – broadens these perspectives...
Kristina Solomoukha – Les objets qui parlent

An exhibition by Kristina Solomoukha
with the kind participation of Elfi Turpin, Jean-Marie Courant, Igor Marchal and Paolo Codeluppi
March 10 – May 5, 2012
Opening : Saturday, March 10, pm. 6h – pm. 9h
With the support of the National Center for Visual Art (subsidy for a first solo show),
Ministry of Culture and Communication
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