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Anw Bara Kow

Anw Bara Kow
ANW BARA KOW Things from home Bakary Diallo and Julien Creuzet View of the exhibition, ANW BARA KOW, (Les choses de chez nous) Bakary Diallo & Julien Creuzet, galerie Dohyang Lee, photo © Aurélien Mole Bakary Diallo, Les Feuilles d’un temps, 2010 – Video, coulor and sound, 4 Opening : March the 16th 2013 – 18h to 21h 16 March – 27 April 2013 ——— Bakary Dialo is an artist... 


ANDANTES Marcos Avila Forero “La seule chose qui permet à l’homme d’avancer, c’est l’acte”. Jean-Paul Sartre Marcos Avila Forero, lauréat du Prix Découverte 2012 des Amis du Palais de Tokyo Vernissage le samedi 19 janvier de 18h à 21h 19.01.13 – 23.02.13 —————— Under a bright sun of 2011 spring (the exhibition took place in June) I walked to the... 


Adventskalender with Anna Jaccoud, Carolina de la Roche, Charlotte Seidel, Darius Dolatyari-Dolatdoust, Elisabeth S. Clark, Hugo Béhérégaray, Jade de Rooster, Jeehee Park, Jérémy Berton, Jot Fau, Mackerel Safranski, Moongi Gim, Namhee Kwon, Natalia Villanueva Linares, Sarah Illouz & Marius Escande, Sun Choi, Radouan Zeghidour, Ronan Debosque and Yeonjin Oh 14.12.2024 – 28.12.2024  Read More →

Variaciones del defecto (la A es la Q)

Variaciones del defecto (la A es la Q)
Variaciones del defecto (la A es la Q) Paula Castro 01 diciembre 2012 – 12 enero 2013 Cerrado exceptional 01.01.2013 – 05.01.2013 —————— “El menor gesto tiene una historia”. Fernand Deligny, Diario de un educador, 1966 Establecer un modo personal, no necesariamente intimista, de vincular la práctica artística con los procesos de concreción de las imágenes, donde... 


Out-of-___(paris) Curated by Leila Khastoo with Chris Burden, Harun Farocki, David Gilbert, Gareth James, Vishal Jugdeo Peter Kirby, Oliver Laric, Simon Leung, Jan Mancuska, Job Piston, Miljohn Ruperto, Amie Siegel, Jill Spector, Diego Tonus, Kerry Tribe, Francesco Vezzoli, David Wojnarowicz Exhibition view,  Out-Of-___(Paris), photo © Chiwook Nho. Exhibition view Out-Of-___(Paris), photo © Aurélien... 

Déplis, trames et grilles

Déplis, trames et grilles
déplis, trames et grilles An exhibition of Marie-Jeanne HOFFNER 12th May – 13th July 2012 Double Game Basing itself on actual spaces and territories and borrowing their systems of standardized representation such as maps, patterns and cartography, the often site-specific work of Marie-Jeanne Hoffner – including drawings, installations, videos, photographs, models, etc. – broadens these perspectives... 

Le rêve de surplomber

Le rêve de surplomber
Le rêve de surplomber with Chloé Dugit-Gros, Aurélie Godard, Pierre Leguillon, Kristina Solomoukha and Eric Tabuchi. November 19, 2011 – January 28, 2012 The exhibition takes its name from a work by Aurélie Godard: Carlo Mollino in San Remo (le rêve de surplomber).  Here it’s a homage to the architect through the evocation of one of his unfinished projects, based in Italy and positioned... 

Probable, préférable, plausible, possible

Probable, préférable, plausible, possible
Probable, preferable, plausible, possible Curated by Jill Gasparina with Sophia Ajdir, Franck Eon, Mathis Gasser Anthea Hamilton, Mark Leckey and Shana Moulton September 17 – October 29, 2011 Save the date / Shana Moulton – “ I Lost Something in the Hills “   Performance Tuesday, October 18, 2011, 6 pm   In « How to build a world? »[1], Stuart Candy (a.k.a. the skeptical futuryst)... 

Mercredi, viendras-tu manger, Jean, sur une nappe propre ?

Mercredi, viendras-tu manger, Jean, sur une nappe <del>propre</del> ?
Mercredi, viendras-tu manger, Jean, sur une nappe propre ? Aurélie Godard May 28 - July 16, 2011 - Topology of  Memory (On the work of Aurélie Godard) Wooden surfaces assembled in a certain order A life-buoy is the consequence of the path of a disc travelling the 360° of a circle. The mazzocchio is a Florentine headdress that can be described as the geometrization of a life-buoy. The original...