
Les Fileuses (The Spinners)

Clarissa Baumann, Minia Biabiany and Natalia Villanueva Linares

January 28th – February 25th 2017

press release and pictures


Louis-Cyprien Rials

Text by Marie Maertens

October 15th – December 23rd 2016

With the support of the French National Center for Plastic Arts, French Ministry for the Culture and Communication. (Support for the first exhibition)

press release and pictures


Julien Creuzet

September 10th – September 24th 2016

press release and pictures

dawa 1

Julien Creuzet

Text by Emilie Renard and Julien Creuzet

May 21st – July 09th 2016

press release and pictures


Charlotte Seidel, Jihee Kim, Sara Acremann, Rohwajeong, Elisabeth S. Clark and Louis-Cyprien Rials

February 06th – March 12th 2016

press release and pictures