States of Grace by Laurent Fiévet
Curated by Paul-Emmanuel Odin, with the collaboration of Jean-Pierre Mignot
December 12th 2015 – January 30th 2016
Marcos Avila Forero
Text by Maya Sachweh
October 10th – November 28th 2015
Romain Vicari
Text by Sarah Mercadante
March 14th – April 25th 2015
With the support of the French National Center for Plastic Arts, French Ministry for the Culture and Communication. (Support for the first exhibition)
Paula Castro, Julien Creuzet, Marie-Jeanne Hoffner, Romain Vicari, Minia Biabiany, Elizaveta Konovalova, Charlotte Seidel and Joongho Yum
November 29th – December 27th 2014